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Promotion & Retention

According to Sevier County Board of Education Policy 631 (Promotion, Placement, and Retention), a promotion is an elevation of a student from one grade level to a higher grade level, based upon a successful completion of a prescribed course of study. However, no student enrolled in the third grade shall be promoted unless the student has shown a basic understanding of curriculum and the ability to perform the skills required in the subject of reading as demonstrated by the student's grades or standardized test results. This requirement shall not apply to students who are participating in a board-approved, research-based intervention prior to the beginning of the next school year or to students who have an individualized education program (IEP).

The classroom teacher and the principal shall closely monitor the progress of each student and notify the parents of any student who is at risk for retention. Such notification should be in the form of a parent-teacher conference preceded by a letter of invitation to the parent to visit the school to discuss the child's performance.

Students who have difficulty in achieving the requirements for promotion may be considered for retention. Starting in 2019-2020 school year, schools shall identify these students by February 1. Factors used to identify students for retention shall include:

  1.  Ability to perform at the current grade level; 
  2. Results of local assessments, screening, or monitoring tools; 
  3. State assessments, as applicable; 
  4. Overall academic achievement of the student; 
  5. Likelihood of success with more difficult material if promoted to the next grade; 
  6. Attendance record; and 
  7. Social and emotional maturity.

Students may be identified for retention after the February 1st deadline if the delay in identifying a student is due to:

  1.  Date of enrollment; 
  2. Additional information acquired after results of local assessment, screening, or monitoring are released; or
  3. Unexpected long-term illness.

When a student is considered for retention, the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s) shall be notified within fifteen (15) calendar days, and an individualized promotion plan shall be developed to help the student avoid retention. The plan shall be developed in coordination with the student’s teachers and may also include input from the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s), school counselor, or other appropriate school personnel. A copy of the plan will be provided to the student’s parent(s)/ guardian(s).

K-3 Reading Notification

If it is determined through a student’s overall performance or a state or local assessment that a student in grades kindergarten through three (K-3) is not meeting grade-level standards in reading, the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s) shall be notified within fifteen (15) calendar days of such determination.

A student may be retained when such retention is in the best interest of the student. However, a student shall not be retained more than once in any grade.  If a student is retained, the school shall develop an individualized academic remediation plan prior to the start of the next school year. A copy of the plan shall be provided to the student’s parent/guardian within ten (10) calendar days of its development. This plan shall include at least one of the following strategies:

For the purpose of determining the effectiveness of retention toward improving student achievement, the progress of retained students shall be closely monitored and reported to parent(s)/guardian(s) at least three (3) times during the school year in which the student is retained.

  1. Adjustment to the current instructional strategies or materials; 
  2. Additional instructional time; 
  3. Individual tutoring outside of school hours; 
  4. Modification to the student’s classroom assignment to ensure the student receives instruction from a teacher with a level of overall effectiveness of above expectations (level 4) or significantly above expectations (level 5); or 
  5. Attendance or truancy interventions.