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Dental & Vision Insurance

  • Dental/Vision claim forms should be submitted to:

    Navia Benefit Solutions
    P.O. Box 53250
    Bellevue, WA 98015
    Phone: 1-866-897-1996
    Fax: 1-425-709-7125


    For a faster refund you can also file claims online at the Navia Benefits website or by downloading the Navia App on your
    smart phone!

  • Once an employee has made benefit choices for the year, they may not be changed unless he/she has a qualifying change in family status. The federal law, Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act (HIPAA) states that qualifying changes in family status generally include:

    • Marriage or Divorce
    • Birth or Adoption of a Child
    • Death of a Spouse or Dependent
    • Employees Spouse Stopping or Starting Work
    • Employee or Spouse Changing Employment Status (e.g. switching from full-time to part-time or vice versa, or taking an unpaid leave of absence)

    Employees who need to make a coverage change must notify Human Resources in person and complete the appropriate forms within 30 days of his/her status change.

  • The annual enrollment period is in October each year. During this time, employees can make changes to their dental and vision benefits, including adding or canceling coverage.

    Employees who do not want to make any changes to their current benefit selection, do not need to take any action.

  • The Sevier County School System offers a voluntary dental/vision reimbursement plan. The plan is a self-insured benefit plan provided by the school system. Employees can choose between four levels of coverage and two plan options when making dental/vision benefit selections. The following levels of coverage are offered:

    • Employee Only
    • Employee and Dependent Children
    • Employee and Spouse
    • Family Coverage (employee, spouse, and/or all eligible dependents)

    Plan Options

    • Option I:   Dental Only
    • Option II:  Dental & Vision