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Graduation Requirements

The graduation requirements for high schools in the Sevier County School System are 28 (twenty eight) units of credit minimum, completion of the required end-of-course exams, have satisfactory records of attendance and conduct, take the ACT or SAT prior to graduation, and pass the U. S. Civics test. In these 28 units of credit, students are required to meet state required core units (for example 4 units in English as established by Sevier County Board of Education Policy 634 (Graduation Requirements), 4 in math, 3 in science, and 4 in social studies as designated). Students must be enrolled in four credit courses each term. Students will develop a six year plan that includes eight terms of attendance plus a two year plan for postsecondary training. A maximum of six (6) units of physical education may be used in meeting the 28 units required for graduation.

Special education students may complete the student's individual education plan (IEP) to receive a special education diploma. Special education students may request an occupational diploma as an alternative to a special education diploma at an IEP team meeting. The occupational diploma is intended to have a stronger focus on vocational outcomes and may be useful for students with disabilities who pursue employment after high school. In order to earn an occupational diploma, special education students must meet additional requirements as outlined by state policy. Effective with the graduating class of 2016-2017, to receive a regular diploma, each student (both special education and regular education) must complete the ACT or SAT test. Exception: Students who are not enrolled in a Tennessee public high school during their junior year are exempt from the ACT requirement per state policy. Per state requirements, students must also complete a district-level civics test as a requirement for graduation.

Effective with freshmen entering high school in 2009-2010, a transition certificate may be awarded at the end of the fourth year of high school to students with disabilities who have (1) failed to earn a regular diploma (22 units of credit), (2) have satisfactorily completed an individualized education program, and (3) have satisfactory records of attendance and conduct. Students who obtain the transition certificate may continue to work toward the high school diploma through the end of the school year in which they turn twenty-two years old.

An IEP certificate will be awarded to students with disabilities who have (1) satisfactorily completed an individualized education program, (2) successfully completed a portfolio, and (3) have satisfactory records of attendance and conduct. Students who score at or above all of the subject area readiness benchmarks on the ACT or equivalent score on the SAT may graduate with honors.

Students may be recognized as graduating with “distinction' by attaining a B average and completing at least one of the following:

  • Earn a nationally recognized industry certification
  • Participate in at least one of the Governor's Schools
  • Participate in one of the state's all State musical organizations
  • Be selected as a National Merit Finalist or Semi-Finalist
  • Attain a score of 31 or higher composite score on the ACT
  • Attain a score of 3 or higher on at least two advanced placement exams
  • Earn 12 or more semester hours of postsecondary credit recognized on the high school transcript

Students earning these levels of diploma (honors and distinction) will receive recognition on their diplomas.

Students who complete a minimum of 10 hours of community service per semester and provide appropriate documentation will be recognized during commencement ceremonies by a method to be determined by the school’s principal.

Students who meet the requirements to earn a Work Ethic Diploma and submit a completed application and documentation to the school counselor/designee will receive recognition on their diplomas.



Requirements for Students



1 Credit Required Each Year of High School: Including Algebra I, II, Geometry and a fourth higher level Math Course



Including Biology, Chemistry or Physics, and a third lab course



Can substitute English III and IV for DE Comp I and II

Social Studies


Including World History, United States History, Government, AND EITHER Economics/Personal Finance (1 Credit) or Marketing and Personal Finance (2 Credits)




Physical Education



**Foreign Language


Must be of the Same Foreign Language

**Fine Arts


Foreign Language and/or Fine Arts can be waived for students not going to a university to expand the elective focus

***Electives/Focus/Program of Study


Math and Science, Fine Arts, Humanities, Career and Technical Education

Total Required


Plus Electives

*See math and science sequences in Sevier County Board of Education Policy 644.

**This requirement may be waived for those students who are sure they are not going to attend a university and be replaced with courses required to enhance and expand the elective focus. A parent or guardian must sign the appropriate waiver form and submit it to the principal or his/her designee.

***Three of these courses must meet the program of studies requirement for graduation.