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Rights & Responsibilities

Student Rights & Responsibilities

Each student has the right to:

  1. Have the opportunity for a free education in the most appropriate learning environment;
  2. Be secure in his/her person, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizure;
  3. Be educated in a safe and secure environment;
  4. Have appropriate resources and opportunities for learning;
  5. Not be discriminated against on the basis of sex, race, color, creed, religion, national origin, or disabilities; and
  6. Be fully informed of school rules and regulations.

Each student has the responsibility to:

  1. Know and adhere to reasonable rules and regulations established by the Board and school officials;
  2. Respect the human dignity and worth of every other individual;
  3. Refrain from libel, slanderous remarks, and obscenity in verbal and written expression;
  4. Study and maintain the best possible level of academic achievement;
  5. Be punctual and present in the regular school program;
  6. Dress and groom in a manner that meets reasonable standards of health, cleanliness, modesty, and safety;
  7. Maintain and/or improve the school environment, preserve school and private property, and exercise care while using school facilities;
  8. Refrain from behavior which would lead to physical or emotional harm or disrupts the educational process;
  9. Respect the authority of school administrators, teachers, and other authorized personnel in maintaining discipline in the school and at school-sponsored activities;
  10. Obey the law and school rules as to the possession or the use of alcohol, illegal drugs, and other unauthorized substances or materials; and
  11. Possess on school grounds only those materials which are acceptable under the law and accept the consequences for articles stored in one’s locker.



Parent Rights & Responsibilities

Parents/guardians have the right to:

  1. Be actively involved in their student’s education;
  2. Be treated courteously, fairly, and respectfully by school staff; and
  3. Receive all relevant information and communication related to their student’s education.

Parents/guardians have the responsibility to:

  1. Make sure their student attends school regularly and on time, and when a student is absent, send in written excuse notes;
  2. Support the District by being a role model for their student, talking with their student about school and expected behavior, and communicating the value of education through words and action;
  3. Be respectful and courteous to staff, other parents/guardians, and students while on school premises and during school activities;
  4. Encourage students to participate in extracurricular activities that promote social and emotional growth in the areas of creative arts, music, and athletics; and
  5. Work with principals and school staff to address any academic or behavioral concerns or complaints students may experience.