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S.E.V.I.E.R. Ready

Posted Date: 10/02/23 (1:28 PM)

What is SEVIER Ready?
The Sevier County School System Introduced the S.E.V.I.E.R. Ready Internship Program to prepare high school students for possible careers and provide them with the skills needed to be successful. This is an incredible opportunity to gain experience and knowledge about working in Sevier County and find a career path that interests students.

What is Included?
The S.E.V.I.E.R. Ready program allows high school students to gain industry certification, participate in dual enrollment opportunities, and choose career-aligned internships, job shadowing placements, and part-time employment within the community.

Where are the internships?
The internships are located in Sevier County, Gatlinburg, Pigeon Forge, Sevierville, Kodak, and Seymour.

Is there more information?
Through our program, students will gain a broad understanding and awareness of industries and possible careers available to them. Look at our job opportunities to find an exciting and rewarding place to work that will help build your resume and form connections in Sevier County. Scan the QR code below for great opportunities and more information.

How do I apply?
Click on register now.
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